Cat AW23 Campaign

📅 2022

✏️ Image retouch, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Marketing Design

👥 1 Brand & PR Director, 1 CRM, 1 SMM. Limited photography assets provided by brand.

⚠️ DISCLAIMER: original photography by Cat Footwear, I do not own nor claim to own the rights.


Social and email content

4x social posts

3x stories

1x video

4x email banners (3 styles + 1 hero)


likes on social media (excluding the giveaway and influencer seeding)

4 times

the amount of clicks on homepage CTAs compared to average performance of CTAs linking to full-price PLPs

6 times

the amount of visits on the brand’s product pages compared to regular traffic outside of campaign period


dwell time on blog article compared to average blog dwell time in the same period

Web content

2x homepage banners

4x blog banners