
A selection of my projects, with a focus on UX and UI design and digital graphics.

Traveline Scotland

Redefining the passengers’ experience of a Scotland-wide transport app for an MVP.

ux/ui design

TOWER Loyalty Programme

A brand-in-brand operation to turn one-time customers into a loyal community of footwear enthusiasts.


From 'My News' to 'My Reads' on BBC News: an experiment

Reshaping the personalised news reading experience.

ux/ui design

TOWER website audit

Rethinking the customer experience of and indie retailer to support an e-commerce re-platform.

ux/ui design

Experience Haus community research

Getting to know a community of students and catering to their needs: a discovery project.

ux research

Cat Footwear AW22 campaign

A co-branded marketing launch.


TOWER Back to Uni 2019 campaign

From photo-editing to omni-channel creatives: attracting a new audience niche.


Optimi Health app

Retaining knee-injured users, from onboarding to rehab workout plan: an end-to-end UX redesign.

ux/ui design

Dr. Martens x Betty Boop campaign

A limited collection launch combining the voices of 3 brands.
